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5 Important Points of the Pioppi Diet

The Pioppi Diet allows red wine, chocolate and the most delicious Italian food and yet helps you to lose weight, de-stress and live a healthier and longer life.

The Pioppi Diet allows red wine, chocolate and the most delicious Italian food and yet helps you to lose weight, de-stress and live a healthier and longer life.
Based on five years of research and drawing on over 100 studies on Pioppi, Dr Aseem Malhotra, a trained cardiologist, has created a plan which is designed to provide readers with the joy and wellbeing of a Mediterranean lifestyle by making small ‘marginal gains’ over a 21-day period.
Here are five key points of the pioppi diet that will help you lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.
What Should You Eat?
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What Should You Avoid?
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How much meat should you consume?
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How much should you drink?
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When should you not eat?
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